My boys love Gordon Ramsay. You can see them in the header image ~ Luke is 15 and Brady is 13. Like many in their generation, they are not really interested in high-production, traditional TV shows, preferring to watch random “You-Tubers” catch bass in east Texas or...
A few weeks back I played in the Westlake Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament here in Austin, TX (unfortunately not the Masters, as pictured above). Thankfully for me, this post isn’t about the way I played, it’s about a great reminder I received on lead generation....
Welcome to the 2019 Harvard Medical School Writing, Publishing and Social Media for Healthcare Professionals Conference – we are so excited you are here. This is my 15th(!) year speaking at this event, which is directed by Associate Professor and the Associate Chair...
How many domino moments have you had in your career? A domino moment is something that starts with a seemingly insignificant happening but in the rear view mirror becomes the starting point for an exponential amount of awesomeness. I’ve been fortunate enough to...
I am so excited to share some big news today – I have a new book coming out next week titled Authority Marketing: How to Leverage 7 Pillars of Thought Leadership to Make Competition Irrelevant (ForbesBooks, 2018). I’m honored to have written the book alongside my...
I have some big news to share today on the blog! It is my true pleasure to announce that I have come to an agreement with my colleagues at Advantage Media Group, who acquired Shelton Interactive early in 2016, that provides an open door for me to do two things I...
Welcome to the 2017 Harvard Medical School Writing, Publishing and Social Media for Healthcare Professionals Conference – we are so excited you are here. This is my 13th(!) year speaking at this event, which is directed by Associate Professor and the Associate Chair...
Have you ever had an experience with a client where you were dead wrong? Not just a little wrong – I mean the world is flat kind of wrong. I still remember the first time I reviewed the draft quiz that Claire Shipman and Katty Kay sent me for review. We were...
I always enjoy the opportunity to do media training with our clients (we call them Members). Our focus is typically on trying to simulate the toughest interview they will have in their career in the hope that every interview from that point forward will be that much...