by Rusty Shelton | Jan 8, 2025 | Entrepreneurship, Fun, Personal
I have been thinking a lot lately about the power of momentum. This week I closed all 3 rings on my Apple Watch for the 739th day in a row. Lunatic stuff. I started this journey on New Year’s Eve of 2022 after buying an Apple Watch for the first time. I had just...
by Rusty Shelton | Dec 16, 2024 | Platform
What is the one thing that holds many leaders back from trying new things? Perfectionism. As leaders, we’re often guilty of the endless pursuit of perfection, particularly when it comes to our own output. It’s something that drives success in core areas of strength...
by Rusty Shelton | Mar 29, 2023 | Platform, Social Media
My boys love Gordon Ramsay. You can see them in the header image ~ Luke is 15 and Brady is 13. Like many in their generation, they are not really interested in high-production, traditional TV shows, preferring to watch random “You-Tubers” catch bass in east Texas or...
by Rusty Shelton | Apr 5, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
This month Zilker Media turns 5 years old. There are a lot of amazing things going on at the company these days and I am honored to say that I can take credit for very little of it. The company’s success starts with the best team and continues with an amazing...
by Rusty Shelton | May 25, 2021 | Entrepreneurship, Fun, Platform
A few weeks back I played in the Westlake Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament here in Austin, TX (unfortunately not the Masters, as pictured above). Thankfully for me, this post isn’t about the way I played, it’s about a great reminder I received on lead generation....
by Rusty Shelton | Apr 6, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
This month Zilker Media turns four years old. At our house when a member of the family has a birthday we go around the table and share three things we love about that person. As you can imagine, when it’s my birthday I usually hear things like “I love Dad’s singing”...
by Rusty Shelton | Apr 2, 2020 | Entrepreneurship, Personal
I always wondered if my generation would ever have a mega event that challenged us in a way that past ones have other generations. Thankfully we have missed out on so many of the major events that our relatives battled in their lifetimes including Spanish flu, The...
by Rusty Shelton | Oct 4, 2019 | Entrepreneurship, Personal
I couldn’t believe I was crying. It was 11 PM and I was standing on the sidewalk on Boylston St. in Boston as people were filing past me on both sides and here I was with tears streaming down my face. I had been glued to my phone all night. The Lake Travis Youth...
by Rusty Shelton | Jun 19, 2019 | Platform, Public Relations, Social Media
Welcome to the 2019 Harvard Medical School Writing, Publishing and Social Media for Healthcare Professionals Conference – we are so excited you are here. This is my 15th(!) year speaking at this event, which is directed by Associate Professor and the Associate Chair...