by Rusty Shelton | Oct 4, 2017 | Entrepreneurship, Platform, Public Relations, Social Media
I have some big news to share today on the blog! It is my true pleasure to announce that I have come to an agreement with my colleagues at Advantage Media Group, who acquired Shelton Interactive early in 2016, that provides an open door for me to do two things I...
by Rusty Shelton | Mar 17, 2016 | Entrepreneurship, Personal
Last week we announced some very big news – Shelton Interactive is being acquired by Advantage Media Group. I can’t tell you how excited I am about this new opportunity, not only because it will open huge doors for our team and our clients/members, but more...
by Rusty Shelton | Feb 2, 2016 | Entrepreneurship, Personal
In early January I got a very thoughtful letter from one of my favorite young bucks in Austin, Wes Fang, who recently decided to make 2016 a year focused on thanksgiving and vulnerability in his life. His expression of gratitude not only humbled me, but it also got me...
by Rusty Shelton | Jan 12, 2016 | Entrepreneurship, Fun, Personal
Have you finished your 2016 goals yet? Of course you have. I’m sure they’re already laminated and on the wall. Or, maybe more likely, they’re on your smartphone in some kind of cool app I should be using. Good for you. I just finished mine today and thought I’d begin...